Pizza Nation: 10+ Reasons Behind America’s Pizza Obsession!

American flag and pizza

Pizza night…undoubtedly one of the most looked-forward-to nights in every family home in America. And it’s not just kids that seem to absolutely love pizza – everyone seems to love it, from young to old, and for a number of good reasons too. In the United States, pizza is so popular that approximately 3 billion are sold each year! That’s quite a lot of pizza, isn’t it? The question begs to be answered; what makes pizza so popular in the United States, as well as the rest of the world?

I, for one, will never pass up the opportunity to have a pizza. I’d happily munch back on a pizza for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It seems to be the anywhere, anytime food choice, and it’s a dish I have enjoyed throughout my entire life. I’m not alone in my love of pizza. It seems that everyone has their own favorite go-to flavor. Some like it plain and simple and choose a basic Margarita while others like to pile it on with a Four Seasons or a Meat Supreme. Chances are that you know precisely what your favorite flavor is at your local pizza place, and this little fact speaks to the real popularity of the food type.  

It is said that the about 3 billion pizzas that are eaten in the U.S. each year could cover 100 acres of land each day. That comes to around 46 slices of pieces for everyone in the country each year. There’s no doubt about it; Americans are eating pizza and they are taking this pizza-eating very seriously! Let’s take a look at why pizza is so popular in the United States. Below are several reasons why pizza is a first choice for so many Americans.

These are 12 reasons why pizza is so popular in the U.S.:

1. U.S. soldiers returning home from WWII popularized pizza in the country.

There’s something quite historical about the popularity of pizza in America. It’s said that U.S. soldiers who had got a taste for pizza in Italy during WWII brought their love of the food back home with them. Many believe that this is the reason why pizza is so popular in the country. Whether this is true or not is often up for debate. 

2. People assume pizza is the healthier fast food choice.

Preparing individual grilled pizzas on an outdoor gas grill

When it comes to fast food, do you try to make healthy choices? Would you choose one fast food over another because it’s considered “healthier”? Many pizzas come with fresh vegetable toppings such as onions, peppers, eggplant, tomato, mushrooms, spinach, and more. Many believe that eating a pizza with these healthy seeming toppings is healthier than eating a burger.

While this is a reason why pizza is so popular, it is not necessarily correct. Most pizzas will have a much higher calorie count than the average burger. 

3. Pizza is highly portable (it travels well).

Yup, everyone wants to grab a slice of pizza on the go. It’s just easier that way, isn’t it? Most food cooked at home has to be carried around in containers, and utensils will be needed to serve and eat the food. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appeal in terms of convenience.

Pizza can be transported in the box it is bought in, and there’s no need to use any utensils to eat it. If you are traveling from A to B and need to take a meal along, pizza is the perfect choice – just grab it and go.

4. Sharing a pizza brings people together.

Some foods are just better for sharing than others. For example, soup doesn’t come across as a great sharing food, does it? Pizza is commonly known as a sharing food. Everyone can mingle or sit in a circle and grab a slice while chatting and socializing. If you are looking to serve a meal to a group of people that promotes bonding and coming-together, pizza is a great choice. 

Friends eating pizza and having fun

5. Pizza tastes delicious hot or cold.

If you are looking for a meal that’s just as delicious hot as it is cold, pizza is the obvious answer. You can pop a leftover slice of pizza into the microwave to heat it up, or you can simply gobble it up while it is cold. Either way, you are going to thoroughly enjoy it. It’s your choice!

6. Consumers can customize a pizza to their local taste.

Pizza is one food type that can be completely customized. When you go to a fast-food burger chain, chances are that you get a handful of burger options to choose from. When you head to your local pizza place, the pizza options are plenty, …and then you can still alter these options to suit your personal tastes and preferences. When it comes to pizza, you can really order one that’s just for you!

7. It’s cheap to make/buy pizza.

There’s no denying it; pizza is cheap to buy and cheap to make too. Even a loaded pizza with all the toppings you can think of doesn’t have that much on it and therefore doesn’t cost a lot to make or buy. The ingredients are affordable, the cooking times are not particularly long, and there’s plenty of opportunity to feed a big group of people at a minimal cost. 

8. Pizzas are quick and easy to make. 

Do you like to cook? Often, cooking your own food can result in it being far more nutritious and, of course, enjoyable as you can fully customize it. You don’t have to buy your favorite pizza from the local pizza place. Instead, you could try your hand at making your own.

You will find that making a pizza is quick and easy. All it requires is buying or making a dough base, chopping up the toppings, sprinkling the toppings with a generous helping of cheese, and popping it in the oven. Voila! A delicious pizza will soon be piping hot, melty, and ready to munch. 

9. Endorphins are released when pizza is eaten.

There’s no denying it; pizza is jam-packed with all the stuff that tastes good, but probably isn’t great for our health. Think of oil, carbs, sugar, sauces, salt…the list goes on. When the body consumes these foods, it signals happy vibes to the brain, which in turn releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. When these endorphins are coursing through your brain and veins, it feels somewhat euphoric. It is this feeling that makes pizza so popular across the globe. 

Three guys eating pizza isolated over yellow background

10. Pizzas are the any-occasion food. 

Regardless of whether you just want to veg-out on the couch on Friday night, have friends over for a good chin-wag and red wine, or entertain a large festive crowd for a birthday bash, pizza is the perfect food to serve for the occasion. There is no denying that pizza is a great any-occasion food. 

11. Making pizza is fun.

If you are looking for something fun to do with the kids or friends, you might think that trying out a delicious new recipe is a great option. And it is. Making a pizza is a great choice because it’s fun, it’s simple enough to only include a few steps, and the outcome is a delicious meal that will have you reaching for slice after slice.

Making a pizza together with a partner, friends, or the kids can undoubtedly provide quite a lot of quality-time bonding and entertainment.

12. Pizza is a fast food which appeals to a human’s desire for convenience.

In the U.S., convenience is of the utmost importance. We live life on the move and don’t want to waste too many hours, sweating over hot pots in the kitchen. Pizza is one of the fastest fast-food possible. Simple order it and have it delivered to your home. It’s a quick and easy way to feed the family that undoubtedly appeals to our human desire and need for time-saving convenience. 

If you are looking for an excuse to order a pizza for your next meal, above are 12 good reasons to feel justified doing so! Enjoy!

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This article was co-authored by our team of writers and editors who share one thing in common: their passion for food and drinks!

JC Franco
Editor | + posts

JC Franco works as a New York-based editor at Foodrinke, driven by his lifelong love for food. His culinary journey began in childhood, as he eagerly assisted his mother with her local sandwich and bakery business, relishing every opportunity to sample her creations. Known among family and friends as an easy eater, JC has a particular affinity for Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and Peruvian cuisine. At Foodrinke, he channels his passion for food into his work, sharing his enthusiasm and knowledge with readers.