Worldwide Pizza Passion: 15 Countries Where Pizza Is Popular!

When you think of countries that eat the most pizza, Italy and the USA probably come to mind. But what if I told you that there are other countries that eat spans of pizza…more than the mind can possibly fathom? You’d be surprised, but probably intrigued, right? Well, let’s take a look at where pizza is the most appreciated across the globe. 

15 countries where pizza is popular:

  1. Italy
  2. United States of America
  3. Australia
  4. South Africa
  5. France
  6. India
  7. Japan
  8. Spain
  9. Russia
  10. Turkey
  11. Sweden
  12. United Kingdom
  13. Germany
  14. Norway
  15. China

Some of the countries that appear on this list are undoubtedly a surprise to you. For instance, I certainly found it a little unbelievable that China and India are on that list. But there they are…in all of their undeniable glory. If you would like to know just how popular pizza is in these countries and if the pizzas served are the type of pizzas you are familiar with, read on. 

Pizza Around the World – Countries Where Pizzas are Consumed at Large!

It seems that it doesn’t matter where you go in the world; pizza is on the menu – thank goodness! I don’t think I could quite handle the globetrotting I do without knowing that pizza would be there for me all along the way!

Have you ever given it much thought? I have traveled to all corners of the globe and found some form of pizza available. Not all countries serve the type of pizza that we are familiar with, but the 15 above serve pizzas that are on par with America’s and Italy’s. Let’s delve a little more into each of these countries and just how popular pizza is there. 

1. Italy 

Italy is often thought of as the birthplace of pizza. I believe pizza is a Greek dish that the Italians made famous, but that’s just my take on it! In Italy, pizzas are very popular, but they aren’t quite what you are used to. In fact, many are quite simple and just include tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, basil, and a bit of olive oil and garlic. There’s nothing fancy or towering about a good traditional Italian pizza. Apparently, about 2 billion pizzas are eaten in Italy each year.

2. United States of America

Pizza is like a life force in America! The American way of life includes pizza, and that’s evident in the statistics. In the USA, around 100 acres of pizza are eaten in a day. That means that there are about 350 slices of pizza munched in each and every second in the United States. Also, according to Statista, there are around 80,000 pizzerias in the country. 

3. Australia

Australia is a nation that has an undeniable love for pizza. The most popular toppings for pizza include cheese (Margherita), seafood, and prawns, among others. Pizzas with chicken, ham and pineapple are also fairly common, but don’t be too surprised if you are visiting Australia and find the menu featuring the likes of crocodile, emu, and kangaroo pizzas.

4. South Africa

South Africa is another country that’s just mad about pizza. The nation is more of a franchise and takeaway pizza place, so you can expect to find many Pizza Huts and Domino’s Pizza places all over the country. The country also has its own home-grown pizzeria brand called Debonairs Pizza

5. France

 Do the French love their pizza? In fact, they do! France loves its pizza indeed. The country consumes quite a lot of pizza each year; more than 90% of French people say they “love” pizza! The country is among the largest consumers of pizza in the world. French people in general list pizza as one of their top comfort food choice.

6. India

At first, I thought that pizza had not become a popular dish in India, but I was very wrong! I was pleasantly surprised to see that pizza is popular in India! Indian pizza is very …Indian! If you visit the country, you will see Pizza Hut and Domino’s pizza chains everywhere, but these franchises really do put an Indian twist on pizza. The toppings consist of Indian dishes and feature minced mutton or chicken tikka. Often there are yogurt dressings, Indian spices, and paneer – an Indian cheese.

7. Japan

In most countries, pizza is a go-to snack because it is delicious and also because it is fairly cheap. In Japan, it is a food type that might be considered pricey by many. Pizza, especially delivery pizza, is often an expensive treat there, and this is probably because they don’t skimp on the toppings, and also because of their high labor costs, compared to other places. Everything about a pizza in Japan is indulgent. They like to include creamy mayo on their toppings along with potatoes, yellow corn, pimentos, and more.  

8. Spain

Spanish food is absolutely delectable – in my opinion. Spain makes dishes perfect for the perpetual snacker – that’s me! One popular Spanish version of a pizza is Coca. The Coca is small oval pizza type bread topped with pine nuts, sausage, peppers, veggies, and caramelized onions.  

9. Russia

When you think about Russia, does pizza even come to mind? I must admit that I didn’t even know that Russia knew what pizza was. I was wrong! Russia is a country that eats a considerable amount of pizza each year, but they do truly make it their way. Pizzas in Russia are somewhat of an ode to seafood. Most pizzas feature salmon, mackerel, and shredded tuna with onion. 

10. Turkey

While I can’t tell you how much pizza is eaten in Turkey, I can tell you that Turkey really puts a Turkish twist on pizza. A popular Turkish-style pizza is called a Lahmacun. This is a chewy dough base topped with ground beef and lamb. Often, they don’t top them with cheese but rather with red onion and parsley. They are usually rolled up almost like a pancake. Lemon is squeezed over the top and it is eaten in its rolled-up form. 

11. Sweden

According to Statista, pizza in Sweden is actually quite expensive. One of the reasons could be because pizza is a completely different experience in Sweden. Swedish pizzas include the likes of meatballs, peanuts, banana, duck, black currants, and even curry powder. Common sauce on pizzas is a béarnaise sauce.

12. United Kingdom

Will you be able to find the pizzas you are used to in the United Kingdom? Pizza in the United Kingdom is a regular fast-food treat. There are many pizzerias conveniently located across the country. Brits, in general, are eating far more Pizza than they used to, decades ago; around 80% of UK households consume pizza.  

13. Germany

It’s difficult to imagine that pizza is popular in Germany, but the reality is that it is! They even have their own type of pizza called Flammkuchen. The country has many pizzerias and franchises; however, frozen pizzas seem to be a more popular choice among Germans. Something that is of interest is that while pizzas in Germany are typically like the pizzas you are used to, most Germans prefer to eat pizza with a knife and fork – and not with the hands. 

14. Norway

 Norway is among the top nations with the highest pizza consumption per year per capita – around the world. It is estimated that each person eats more than 10 pizzas per year. What’s interesting is that the general trend in Norway is to buy frozen pizzas and eat them at home. Not many people actually head out to eat restaurant or take away pizzas.

15. China

China, being an international hub, has adopted pizza as a fast-food option. In the beginning, cheese wasn’t a typical part of a Chinese diet. And even the many Pizzerias across the country have had to change their pizzas to suit the unique tastes of the Chinese nation. Pizza consumption in China is on the rise. Pizzas in the country feature toppings that include soy sauce, ginger, onion, water chestnuts, and pea pods. 

Last Word

It’s interesting to see just how popular pizza is in other countries, isn’t it? What’s even more interesting is that each country has put their unique twist on a traditional pizza. Some even call pizza by another name in their country. Regardless of where you go, it seems that you can find a traditional pizza dish to try out. If you are traveling the world any time soon, you have a lot of pizza to look forward to!

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This article was co-authored by our team of writers and editors who share one thing in common: their passion for food and drinks!

JC Franco
Editor | + posts

JC Franco works as a New York-based editor at Foodrinke, driven by his lifelong love for food. His culinary journey began in childhood, as he eagerly assisted his mother with her local sandwich and bakery business, relishing every opportunity to sample her creations. Known among family and friends as an easy eater, JC has a particular affinity for Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and Peruvian cuisine. At Foodrinke, he channels his passion for food into his work, sharing his enthusiasm and knowledge with readers.